• Law on Food safety 06/2010/L-CTN

    Ngày cập nhật 8 November 2016

    LAW ON FOOD SAFETY Scope of application: This Law provides for rights and obligations of organizations and individuals in assuring food safety: conditions for assuring safety of foods and food production, trading, import and export; food advertisement and labeling; food testing; food safety risk analysis: prevention, stopping and remedying of food safety incidents; food safety …

  • Law on Biodiversity 20/2008/QH12

    Ngày cập nhật 8 November 2016

    BIODIVERSITY LAW Scope of application: This Law provides for the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development; rights and obligations of organizations, households and individuals in the biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Official number: 20/2008/QH12 Organization: National Assembly Issued Date: November 13, 2008 Legislation Type: Decree Signer: Nguyen Phu Trong Effective Date: July 1, 2009 Download Law …

  • Decree 108/2011/ND-CP

    Ngày cập nhật 8 November 2016

    DECREE OF GOVERNMENT Scope of application: Amending some articles of the Decree No. 69/2010/ND-CP dated June 6th, 2010 of the Government on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms, Genetic specimen and  Products Derived from Genetically Modified Organisms Official number: 108/2011/ND-CP Organization: The Government Issued Date: November 30, 2011 Legislation Type: Decree Signer: Nguyen Tan Dung Effective …