Convert into the corn to make food

Ngày cập nhật 11 June 2016

Can you tell us the transition plan from rice to maize of MARD?

Under the plan was approved by the Government, from now to 2020, the agricultural sector must convert 700,000 hectares of rice land into other crops. Of these, 300,000 hectares in the MD remaining focused in other areas.

Currently, production of food crops have over 45 million tons of grain, food surplus of 7-8 million tonnes / year. In particular, 6,5- export 7 million tons / year. Consequently, food production are redundant. While the world rice market is not so much geographical balance for export. World demand is about 30 million tons / year, Vietnam exported about 7 million tons of rice 6,5-, others are Thailand, India … While Vietnam’s rice production continued to increase, creating power big squeeze on consumption.

Since then the Government has a policy to switch to other crops, especially in areas of growing insecurity, switching to crops that require less water than, stand as: corn, sesame, sesame, beans, peanuts, vegetables … which focuses on maize. For now, each year Vietnam imported 3 million tons of corn. Moreover, the production of maize grain is still, overall food production should not drop much.

After the implementation of Decision 580 / QD-TTg of the Government in 2014, supports the conversion of rice crops from land inefficiently implemented in the South. Starting from this year’s summer collection, the Government Decision 915 / QD-TTg support for all regions in the country to convert corn. Corn growers will be supported corn, cultivation, distribution Phon, the care … worth 3 million VND / ha.

This year, due to the Mekong Delta salty lost 713,000 tons of rice, forecast to Vietnam later this year lost about 900,000 tons of rice due to climate change. Therefore, the only way to increase corn acreage to compensate for lost wheat acres. If the increase is 100,000 hectares of corn will have 300000-400000 tons of food, reduce the rate of food affected by climate change.

Can you tell this transition have trouble not?

In fact, the transition is difficult because maize imported from abroad into Vietnam is cheaper than domestic corn production is about 1,000 VND / kg. The reason is that they produce totally mechanized, high yield and low cost. For example, the US yield of 10 tonnes / ha, while Vietnam only half. Output of maize made more difficult to meet, not to encourage people to plant corn.

Therefore, to reduce this gap has supported the Government to 3 million ha of summer-autumn this year. Besides, farmers also have to apply technical advances, mechanized to reduce costs. Second, to use the same amount, ie 1 ha only use 18-20 kg of corn, but farmers fear the same death should make the cost of investigating 2 seeds varieties almost double stitched, which corn is very land. The third is the application of genetically modified corn borer in the region, many weeds … reduce labor, workday.

Hopefully with the application of these solutions synchronize the corn will grow. At this point, DCP will implement guidelines Decision 915 of the Prime Minister. In addition, the Department will open the conference table specializing in the production of maize, maize genetically modified corn to help reduce costs and increase productivity.

Localities should do to get support from the government, sir?

The local zoning conversion to the new support from the Government. In planning it, to point out the area, paddy acreage inefficient, insecure, the government will support those areas.

At the same time must declare support area, the number of households are supported. The Ministry of Finance will be instructed to support money is used for the right purpose. MARD will provide technical guidance, corn, seasonal … In Decision 915 also stated very clearly, the province does not balance the budget, the central support, the intelligent autonomous funding will spent to support.

Later this summer collection, also short time is coming autumn and winter, we will take advantage of this time to short-term corn. The second is in the central region such as Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, Khanh Hoa, Phu Yen … these areas less irrigation water is transformed into a corn plant. Also in the north, soon reap revenue service, the focus hhe maize.

Thank you!

Huu Vinh (done)