Ngày cập nhật 10 June 2016
Biological resources, especially microorganisms is considered endemic resources and tremendous value. Genetic evaluation of genetic resources have been focused attention due to its role in the field of storage, conservation and sustainable exploitation of the genetic resources efficiently every country in the world. However, in Vietnam until the present time only a genetic evaluation of genetic resources to be made to a limited number of representatives, mainly in animals and plants that are the objects of exploitation economy. No other scientific works published in the genetic evaluation of genetic resources in a systematic way. For microorganisms, genetic evaluation is little more concerned. So far, the number of microorganisms are stored in the same collection in Vietnam have not been studied genetic evaluation. Therefore, genetic evaluation microbial genetic resources is a necessary job work basis for the exploitation of genetic resources aims to develop biotechnology in Vietnam. The task of evaluating the genetic potential of some genetic resources and actinomycetes bacteria of Vietnam is to provide basic information about the possibility of biosynthesis subtilisin / nattoknase, lipase, substances with activity against fungi and antiviral active substances of bacteria and actinomycetes.
With the application of methods in biochemistry, molecular biology methods, methods of bioinformatics, microbiology and method of determining the antiviral activity. The theme brings the following effect:
The study has screened 1,500 strains of bacteria and actinomycetes has been successfully activated, the 123 strain (about 8%) capable of the biosynthesis of active substances as follows: 55 strains resolution active blood agar (subtilisin / nattokinase, streptokinase), including 50 strains (91%) and 5 actinomycetes (9%). In this 55 active strains, strains VTCC-B-129 and B-131 VTCC-operate with the highest nattokinase activity in turn is 580 U / ML and 507 U / ml. 66 strains of lipase activity, including 50 strains of bacteria (80%) and 12 actinomycetes (20%). 3 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has activity against Fusarium oxysporum and. 3 antiviral activity strains of foot and mouth, while 1 and 2 actinomycetes bacteria. VTCC-B-129 strain and strain-B-270 VTCC shows active blood agar resolution and high lipase activity.
Screening microbial strains capable of biosynthesis subtilisin / nattoknase, streptokinase, anti-fungal and antiviral active substances. 103 species including 50 species of potential active nattokinase and 50 strains with potential lipase activity as well as the 3 strains with antifungal activity were selected, including strains VTCC-B-129 and B-270 strain-VTCC be two potential activity of nattokinase and highest lipase activity. The size of the open reading frame in the gene coding for the 50 strains of nattokinase activity is about 1,000 bp nattokinase, in 50 strains 27 strains of lipase activity, the size of the open reading frame encoding the lipase gene of 1,000 bp, 8 strain sized open reading frame of 1,000 bp larger gene and 15 strains of this size is about 750 bp. Number of copies of the gene encoding nattokinase and lipase in VTCC-B-129 strain and strain-B-270 VTCC respectively about 11 and 13. Sequencing open reading frame of the gene encoding nattokinase 7 and 3 genes coding for lipase.
PCR-SSCP use, the molecular markers of the gene coding for the gene encoding nattokinase and lipase in 30 strains of studies have been successfully established. Determine the relationship between DNA markers and activity of nattokinase and lipase elevation respectively 71.4% and 75%.
The study has synthesized the basic characteristics of the morphology, activity, culture conditions and classification of 8-B-129 strain VTCC, VTCC-B-131, B-390-VTCC, VTCC-B- 270, B-1085-VTCC. VTCC-B-1089, B-113 and VTCC-VTCC-B-114.
The results of this study will form the basis for subsequent research in the application of genetic resources and actinomycetes bacteria to develop science and technology products to meet the needs of today’s society.